
Mathematics & Physics, Maxima, a bit Python & Wolfram, and Arts

Python (SymPy) Programming for solving Ordinary Differential Equations

This article demonstrates how to solve ordinary differential equations with SymPy. Please refer to the previous article for introductory stuffs of SymPy:



Indefinite integral

Let it start with reviewing an indefinite integral. The indefinite integral of a function  y=f(x)

 \qquad\displaystyle{F(x)=\int dx \, f(x) +C}

where  C is the constant of integral, is given as follows. As an example, let \ f(x)=\exp(-ax) whose integral shall be obtained by running the following code in Python

import sympy as sp
sp.var('a, x')
sp.integrate(sp.exp(-a*x), x)

Let I be a function returning its indefinite integral of the input:

def I(f):
    return sp.integrate(f, x)

The example above is also found by applying this function I:


resulting in

 \qquad\displaystyle{\int dx \,e^{-ax} =\begin{cases}
\ -\frac{e^{-ax}}{a}+C &\qquad (a\ne0)\\ 
\ x +C &\qquad (a=0)\end{cases}}

For another example,


one finds the indefinite integral of  f(x)=x^n as

 \qquad\displaystyle{\int dx \, x^n =\begin{cases}
\ \frac{x^{n+1}}{n+1}+C &\qquad (n\neq-1)\\ 
\ \log x +C &\qquad (n=-1)\end{cases}}

For  f(x)=\cos(nx)


one sees

 \qquad\displaystyle{\int dx \,\cos(nx) =\begin{cases}
\ \frac{\sin(nx)}{n}+C &\qquad (n\neq0)\\ 
\ x+C &\qquad (n=0)\end{cases}}

and so on.

Ordinary Differential Equations

Linear ODE of 1st order

As a simpler example, consider the following equation


where  y is an unknown function of  x and  a is a constant.

This ODE is easily solved by a method of separation of variables:

 \qquad\displaystyle{\int dx\, \frac{dy}{dx}\,\frac{1}{y}=-a\int dx}


 \qquad\displaystyle{\log y=-ax + c \quad (c:\text{constant of integral})}

Taking logarithms on both sides, one may find

 \qquad\displaystyle{y=C\exp\left(-ax\right)  \quad (C:\text{constant of integral})}

dsolve: general solution

SymPy has a function to solve ODE "dsolve" which is run as follows:

import sympy as sp
sp.var('a, x')

y = sp.Function('y')(x)
eq = sp.Eq( sp.diff(y, x),  -a*y )



 \qquad\displaystyle{y(x)=Ce^{-ax} \quad (C:\text{積分定数})}

dsolve: solution with boundary condition

In order to impose (a) boundary condition(s), for example,  y(0)=1 putting

sp.dsolve(eq, ics={y.subs(x,0):1})



Linear ODE of 2nd order: Free Fall

One-dimensional free fall is described by the following ODE (equation of motion)


where  x \ [{\rm m}] coordinates the position of the mass  m \ [{\rm kg}] along the vertical direction (positive upwards) and  g \ [{\rm m/s^2}] is gravitational acceleration.

This equation is solved by Python running

import sympy as sp
sp.var('g, t')

x = sp.Function('x')(t)
eq1 = sp.Eq( sp.diff(x,t,2),  -g )


resulting in

 \qquad\displaystyle{x(t)=-\frac12 g t^2+C_2 t+C_1}

where  C_2 is initial speed and  C_1 is initial position.

Once imposing the initial conditions, e.g. \ x(0)=0,\ \frac{dx}{dt}(0)=v

sp.dsolve(eq1, ics={x.subs(t,0):0, sp.diff(x,t,1).subs(t,0):v})


 \qquad\displaystyle{x(t)=-\frac12 g t^2+v t}



One-dimensional harmonic oscillator

The position of mass  m shall be labeled by  x. The EoM is given by

 \qquad\displaystyle{m\frac{d^2x}{dt^2}=F_x \qquad F_x=-kx}

which is implemented as

import sympy as sp
sp.var('m,k, t')

x = sp.Function('x')(t)
F = -k*x
eq2 = sp.Eq( m*sp.diff(x,t,2),  F )


showing general solution

 \qquad\displaystyle{x(t)=C_{1} e^{-t \sqrt{-\frac{k}{m}}}+C_{2} e^{t \sqrt{-\frac{k}{m}}}}

where  C_1, \ C_2 are constants of integral.

Since both  k \ {\rm [ N/m]} and  m\ {\rm [ m]} are positive constants, introducing


and applying the Euler formula \ e^{i\theta}=\cos\theta+i\sin\theta, one may find the general solution is also written as

 \qquad\displaystyle{x(t)=A \cos (\omega t)+B\sin(\omega t)}

Or, more explicitly, considering


import sympy as sp
x = sp.Function('x')(t)
eq3 = sp.Eq( sp.diff(x,t,2),  -x)

one gets

 \qquad\displaystyle{x(t)=C_1 \sin (t)+C_2\cos(t)}

Airy equation

Consider the Airy equation


running the following code on Python

import sympy as sp
y = sp.Function('y')(x)
eq4 = sp.Eq( sp.diff(y,x,2), x*y)

one may obtain

 \qquad\displaystyle{y(x)=C_{1}{\rm Ai}(x)+C_{2}{\rm Bi}(x)}

which is by definition given by linear combination of {\rm Ai} and {\rm Bi}.


Keywords: Differential equation, Python
